[endif]-->[endif]--> The Blend – Do You Dream of Traveling? | Payoff Life

The Blend — 3.15.2016

If you’ve already taken the Money Personality Quiz, you might remember the question, “What’s your dream?” which we ask because we know so many people are financially driven by their dreams.

We noticed a lot of you dream of traveling, which we get. Moving out of your daily bubble and exploring new places and unfamiliar cultures is exciting. Plus think of the Instagram pictures. Likes for days! #nofilter

So in this week’s issue of The Blend, we’re focusing on helping you make your dream of traveling a reality.

If you’re low on funds:

When you’re traveling, Airbnb is a fun and inexpensive way to adventure from a unique perspective. But have you ever thought about hosting? It’s a great way to make extra dinero. And hosting with Airbnb is a lot less scary than you think.

If you’re focusing on paying off debt:

Did you know you don’t have to wait until your finances are perfect to travel? College kids do it all the time. Now you can too with Student Loan Hero’s 4 ways to afford your dream vacation while paying down balances.

If you’re scared to go alone:

If you’ve watched one too many Liam Neeson movies and have hesitations about exploring the big bad world by yourself, here are 4 reasons why traveling alone is awesome that could convince even the most overbearing mother.

So go use your vacation days, people, you earned them.


Black, white and read all over. Harvard researchers have found that close relationships are the secret to a healthier, happier life. There’s no word if they have to be human relationships. Because nothing makes you feel better than this story about the penguin that swims 5,000 miles every year to reunite with the man who saved him.


You snooze, you lose? Still cursing Daylight Savings for losing you an hour of sleep? Because we can’t all be Arizona, here are 9 ways science can make your mornings more chipper. It’s not only the time that’s changing. How we date is changing drastically with the times too.

Your Money Personality

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