[endif]-->[endif]--> The Blend – How Will You Spend Stay In The Black Friday? | Payoff Life

The Blend — 11.17.2015

In last week’s cup of The Blend, we introduced you to Stay In The Black Friday, our counter to the spending smorgasbord that is November 27, 2015. We’re challenging you to do anything besides spend the day after Thanksgiving spending.

So here are some ideas for ways you can spend Stay In The Black Friday.

Build a Budget

Why not work on saving more money? Take the time you would have been shopping on Stay In The Black Friday to instead build an easy budget that makes you proud or do a money-saving financial checkup that keeps you “in the black.”

Get Outside

Take a cue from REI and opt outside for Stay In The Black Friday. Going outside has multiple health benefits, so go for a hike, a walk or a run. Or if it’s too cold, just walk outside, say hello to the day and then immediately get back inside and warm up with some leftovers.


It’s hard to find time to just sit down and read, but your mom was right, it’s good for you. It doesn’t have to be a book either. Maybe go back through all The Blends and read the interesting links you didn’t have time for that week.

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Sleep Late

You’re already full of calories and tryptophan, so why not let your body do what it wants and sleep late? The benefits of a good night’s sleep are plenty, and — unless you’re a sleep shopper — it’s a great way to avoid spending on Stay In The Black Friday.

Whatever you decide to do, join the movement on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook using #stayintheblackfriday.

P.S. Have you watched the November episode of The Brew yet? Unlike regular coffee, it never goes stale.

This Week’s Blend


Me, Myself and IRA. myRA launched this week. It’s a government-sponsored retirement account for everyone without a 401(k) or pension. Here’s a solid breakdown from CNNMoney. Maybe you can repurpose the $3,000 you’re spending on lunch every year to fund your lunches when you’re retired.


There’s more to life than being happy. Read this article from The Atlantic about how the pursuit of happiness is ruining your happiness to learn a new way to decide what’s really important to your life, like finding purpose in your work. We found a little extra happiness this week when we learned the perfect way to tie our shoes. And Chinese retailer, Alibaba, found a little extra happiness for themselves when they sold over $1 billion in 8 minutes!

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