[endif]-->[endif]--> The Blend – Got Gratitude? | Payoff Life

The Blend — 11.3.15

Halloween is over (Boooooooo!), but there’s a bright side. November is here, which means — The Brew video update is brand-new! New setting. Newish format. Same hosts. Watch The Brew’s November episode now! Or keep reading and watch it later. We won’t spoil the fun because we respect the spoiler alert.

Just like this month’s Brew, this week’s Blend is all about the spirit of Thanksgiving — gratitude. Gratitude is showing appreciation for the kind things people do for you. And you can do surprisingly a lot with just a few actions.

At The Blend, we’re grateful for everyone who reads our weekly insights. And at Payoff, we’re grateful for every opportunity we get to help people pay off their credit cards and achieve their dreams.

What are you grateful for? Let us know by tweeting @Payoff.

This Week’s Blend


Prepare to be inspired. Lowell Wood just broke Thomas Edison’s — yes, that one — record for most patents in U.S. history with 1,085. You 100% want to read this article that shares how he did it. Afterward, we had to try all 7 of these brain hacks to rebuild confidence and these 9 ways to live a meaningful life to help us achieve our dream of being more productive.


We’re sick of it. Because stress wreaks havoc on your immune system, here are ways you and your partner can avoid common money conflicts and, in turn, getting sick (of each other). Also, maybe try writing letters to your debt like our friend Melanie Lockert encourages people to do.

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