Payoff Member Dannette C. shares how she overcame an enormous amount of debt created by medical bills and why her...
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Payoff Member Kara S. shares how her debt started small but then completely overwhelmed her and why she has peace of...
Payoff Member Paris C. shares how he bounced back and overcame difficult financial burdens following his divorce. At...
Payoff Member Trisha B. shares why she feels empowered while she pays down her debt. At Payoff, we invite our Members...
CommunityThe Blend
The Blend – 3.29.2016 The Blend Team received a dare this week — explain credit card utilization but make it...
The Blend — 3.23.2016 If there’s one throughline for every topic we talk about each week in The Blend, it’s...
The Blend — 3.15.2016 If you’ve already taken the Money Personality Quiz, you might remember the question,...
The Blend – 3.8.2016 As politics are happening all around us, one thing most everyone can agree on is that money is...
The Blend — 3.1.16 This March The Blend is celebrating Credit Education Month and we’re starting with a very...
The Blend – 2.23.16 Yesterday kicked off America Saves Week. (Sorry for the late notice.) So to celebrate, we created...
The Blend — 2.16.2016 This probably isn’t going to come as a shock to most of you in the wake of Valentine’s Day,...
The Blend — 02.09.2016 Valentine’s Day is this Sunday. And that’s got The Blend Team thinking about our...
The Blend — 2.2.2016 Merry Groundhog Day! As of writing this, Punxsutawney Phil has yet to decide if he will overcome...
The Blend – 1.26.16 All January The Blend has been about planning and organization. For the last edition of the...
The Blend — 1.19.2016 Welcome to The Blend for January 19, 2016. “What’s that? It’s January 19th? But I...
The Blend — 1.12.2016 Organization, as much as we’d like it to, doesn’t come naturally to all of us. For every...
The Blend — 1.5.2016 Merry 2016, readers of The Blend! Our first goal of 2016? Coming up with a name for everyone who...
The Blend — 12.15.2015 So this is the last fresh cup of The Blend for 2015. But stow your tears, fair reader,...
The Blend — 12.8.2015 You might remember an article from a few weeks ago about how to do an end-of-year financial...
The Blend — 12.01.15 Time for another piping hot episode of Payoff’s The Brew. For December, we’re focusing on...