The Personalities Behind Payoff — Meet Founder and CEO Scott Saunders
I have been at Payoff since …
The best thing about my job is …
Leading a team of the most talented and passionate people to be the change in the world that we want
to see.
When I’m not working, I am …
With my lovely wife and two amazing kids.
When it comes to dogs or cats, I prefer …
I like the idea of a dog, but we don’t have one. It’s less work. I send my wife pictures of cute dogs
from Instagram and tell her that’s better than actually having a dog. I’m likely missing out and may
someday lose this battle with the rest of my family.
My favorite book is …
The Bible.
My favorite TV show is …
Either 60 Minutes or Shark Tank.
My favorite movie is …
For a long time, it’s been Dead Poet’s Society, but the recently released
The Big Short is very good and closely chronicles what I did in my last business venture.
What do you eat for breakfast?
Whatever is fast and easy, which is sometimes nothing at all.
My favorite vacation was to …
France and Italy with my wife before we had kids.
A website I check all the time is …
The song I never get tired of hearing is …
I really like listening to Frank Sinatra. Yes, I am a very old guy stuck in a middle-aged guy’s body.
When I was a kid, my dream job was …
Fighter pilot like my dad.
What was your first job?
Washing dishes at the cafe in the American embassy in Paris, France.
What’s the appeal of a road less traveled?
Avoiding the herd.
What was the best date you’ve ever been on?
I do a date night every Friday with my wife and look forward to it all week!
What do you do when you’re stuck in horrible LA traffic?
If I could paradox-free time travel to any day in history, I would …
Go back to the beginning …
What matters most to me is …
Faith, family, friends and making the world a better place.
Happiness is …
Family dinner out!
On a Saturday/Sunday, I love to …
Take naps.
Money is …
A means to an end.
Money is not …
My money personality is …
The Contrarian.
Last week’s Payoff Personality,
Dr. Galen Buckwalter, asked you:
What is your most effective way to de-stress?
A glass of wine with my wife. Early morning walks in the hills or along the ocean.
And you get to ask next week’s Payoff Personality a question. What’s your question and how would
you answer it?
Where were you born and how did that impact you?
I was born in Las Vegas (just off The Strip). Though, I only lived there for a few months before moving to England and didn’t go back for the first time until my late 20s. I’m definitely a calculated risk taker, but I never gamble.